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GreenPrints #038, Summer 1999


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“I am NOT a Gardener”, “To Pick or Not to Pick”, “My Flower Friend”, “Garden in a Can?”, “The Art of Weeding”, “The (Garden) Thing!” … and more!

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This Summer 1999 back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

  • Mrs. Palmer’s Rose An important lesson in love.
  • I am NOT a Gardener A gardener has the eye of Monet, the heart of Hercules, and the soul of Ma Barker.
  • My Flower Friend My garden soulmate has two wings.
  • Portrait of a Lily An island flower fills the air with its scent … and its spell.
  • Violet Thoughts “The only good violet is a dead violet,” said my neighbor.
  • Good-bye, Enrique Trying to defeat bullets—with seeds.
  • The Art of Weeding People who don’t know how to weed shouldn’t. People who do know how are gardeners.
  • Carefree Wonder Only the rose had a secret.

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