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GreenPrints #095, Autumn 2013


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“Autumn Magi”, “A Rose for Mr. Lettuce”, “Growing Giant Pumpkins”, “My Carrot Catastrophe”, “Gardenitis”, and much, much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Autumn Magi
Beautiful day. Surprising visit.

A Rose for Mr. Lettuce
Was it a miracle … or a good deed?

Decisions, Decisions
The hardest part of gardening.

Blue Trees
Why would somebody actually piant trees blue?!

A Rocky Start
A young boy takes over a garden.

My Carrotastrophe
A get-rich-quick scheme that truly backfired.

The Tyler Bulb Sale
The REAL game of October.

and gardening?

The Surprises You Get
From both gardening and parenting.

You Can’t Eat Lilacs
Say it isn’t so, Mike McGrath—disaster again?!

It’s not all my fault.

Each Individual One
My mother had her own way of gardening.

A young gardener learns an old lesson.

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