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Collectible 4-Autumn-Issues Bundle


Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Enjoy the best of our Autumn editions of GreenPrints with this collectible set of 4 fantastic past issues. Enjoy the delightful stories and lovely artwork. Keep the bundle as a collectible set for yourself or give the issues to friends and family who love gardening!



These 4 Autumn back issues from our archives are the best of our past Autumn editions—all in a collectible set for you! Save them for yourself to add to your GreenPrints shelf, or give them as gifts to family and friends!

Here’s a sampling of some of the heartwarming, compelling stories in these collectible editions:

Issue #15 (Autumn 1993)

  • “Give Me Valium”
  • “Odd Signs”
  • “The Year Without A Yard”

Issue #23 (Autumn 1995)

  • “Gardening: The Next Generation”
  • “Mandela’s Garden”
  • “My Maple”

Issue #27 (Autumn 1996)

  • “Passive the Blame”
  • “Of Later Gardeners”
  • “Physicians to Plants”

Issue #31 (Autumn 1997)

  • “Small Goals”
  • “The Burning of the Leaves”
  • “Garlic Grower’s Fever”

With this GreenPrints Collectible 4-Autumn-Issues Bundle, you get many fabulous gardening stories from the heart—to keep you busy reading, laughing, and occasionally crying. These Autumn celebration issues are also packed with beautiful custom artwork that accompanies each story. Plus, you can enjoy these delightful regular features:

Poems — Because gardening inspires the poet in so many of us!
Cuttings — Short selections sent in by readers
Buds — Inspirational quotations to brighten your day
Letters to GreenPrints — Funny and entertaining letters from readers

GreenPrints Cover #15 GreenPrints Cover #23 GreenPrints Cover #27 GreenPrints Cover #31

Additional information

Weight 1.156 lbs
Dimensions 8.75 × 6 × 1 in

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