GreenPrints #086, Summer 2011


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“What, We Weed?”, “War of the Lotus”, “Grandma’s Famous Peach Pie” (add 1-3/4 shortening to the crust, please), “Tastes Better Stolen” … and much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Grandma’s Famous Peach Pie
This year I was sure to win the prize. Until …

NOTE: My Apology
“Grandma’s Famous Peach Pie” is the first story in the new Summer Issue. Touching and well-told, it’s a tale with true heart. And with a prizewinning pie crust recipe, too! Only your absent-minded Editor left out one ingredient: 1-3/4 cup shortening (to go with the flour, salt, sugar). I am really sorry. My mistake. I hope now you can enjoy the pie as well as the piece (grin)!

Mousí Beaucoup
The mouse that left me artistic presents.

What, We Weed?
Outsmarted by my daughters.

War of the Lotus
Had my mother finally met her match?

People in the past didn’t like it anymore than I do.

Granny and The Mole
The day my grandmother got desperate.

A Summer Crossword Puzzle
Just for gardeners. (20 DOWN: “Sorry, those plants are currently __ [abbrev.])

What happened after I found one in my parents’ garden.

Long Live the Queen of the FPBs
Mike McGrath’s adventures as a garden trashpicker.

Traveling Florist
My childhood business succeeded—thanks to a very gracious neighbor.

Tastes Better Stolen
How I stopped my squash thief.

Danger! Danger!
This ought to get your kids to help out in the garden.

An Amish farmer shares his love of the land (book excerpt).

The Future Rose
An ailing woman leaves a plant for her daughter.

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