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GreenPrints #103, Autumn 2015


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“Chicken Tomatoes” (a bad combination), “Tending Beauty”, “Peanuts from Cameroon”, “Growing Closer Together”, “Molehill Mountain” … and much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

  • Chicken Tomatoes Two things you DON’T want to put together.
  • Tending Beauty Learning to enjoy my garden — and my girls.
  • Show-and-Tell Potatoes Where were they?
  • Bluebirds in the Pokeweed That crazy eco-nut (me) and her neighbors.
  • Molehill Mountain How I became Mrs. Bigfoot.
  • Peanuts from Cameroon Putting down roots—in America.
  • Never I promised myself when I was young.
  • “Heed!” The fascinating—and—vital world of seeds.
  • Dandelion Wishes Trying to weed my worries away.
  • No Longer the Hero Not Peter Rabbit. No siree.
  • Growing Up with GreenPrints, Part IV The children of Your Editor report on life with a magazine in the house.

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