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GreenPrints #106, Summer 2016


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“The Bronx Farmers” (hysterical!), “The March of the Tree Frogs”, “My Burlap Garden”, “Get Off My Lawn”, “That Good Old (Very, Very Old) Garden Advice”, “Outsmarting Mother” … and much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

  • The Bronx Farmers OK, maybe we were just a little green …
  • The March of the Tree Frogs A most remarkable show.
  • Now You See The day I learned why Grandfather loved his garden.
  • My Burlap Garden A college grad makes do.
  • Life-Changing Magic Want some in your garden?
  • Dad’s White Rose Our family’s favorite story.
  • The Garden Remembers Staying connected to bygone loved ones.
  • Get Off My Lawn Or else!
  • That Good Old (Very, Very Old) Garden Advice Over 2,000 years old!
  • Mothers-In-Law Of both the plant and the people variety.
  • Outsmarting Mother We got her good! Or did we?
  • Holly Go Heavily At last! A plant Mike McGrath doesn’t kill!
  • Grow Your Microbes! Cultivating our own inner gardens.
  • Heirloom Harvest Modern daguerretypes of classic plants.
  • Grandpa’s Seeds How they brought me back.

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