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GreenPrints #114, Summer 2018


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

This issue – oh, my! Stories include: A four-year-old’s overnight sunflower, how saving a chipmunk saved a gardener, hearing corn grow(!), my brave, brave mother, my superhero-gardener son, and much more.



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

  • Lifesaving Rescuing a chipmunk—and getting rescued myself.
  • It’s Better to Give “Dad, did you put our extra vegetables in people’s cars?”
  • Watering Cans and Rain Barrels And the peace they bring me.
  • Strawberry Summer Kindness to a stranger—me.
  • Getting Something to Grow If I could bring a garden to flourishing, maybe I could grow something within.
  • My Auntie She never put her wishbone where her backbone was supposed to be.
  • My Son Jack Super Athlete? No, Super Gardener!
  • Snowed Peas Mike McGrath gets fooled again—by peas!
  • Recycling Herself My mother’s bravest act.
  • I Heard Corn Grow A child and a crop grow together.
  • Size Matters Why are some seeds big and some seeds small?
  • To Mow or Not to Mow I figured if he could do it, how hard can it be?
  • Quick Mulch Job This won’t take long. Riiiiiight.
  • And So to Bed The story behind our—and our gardens’—beds.

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