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GreenPrints #129, Spring 2022


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

14 warm, funny, and inspiring stories, including “Forget Me Not”, “Beginner’s Guide to Gardening”, “My Velveeta Box Garden” … and more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

  • Forget Me Not A flower and a plea.
  • Beginner’s Guide to Gardening That I can give you. A guide to romance…?
  • My Velveeta Box Garden An early lesson in gardening—and in life.
  • One Disastrous Mistake Do you really want to run your own nursery?
  • Manure, Sweet Manure Gardeners have treasured it for centuries.
  • Dandelions For Sale Turning Dad’s weeds into my profits.
  • The Sweet Smell of Rain It’s all due to the “jumping dirt”—springtails—in your soil.
  • In Praise of Snags Homes for squirrels, owls, woodpeckers—and ducks?
  • Silent Speech James’ parting gift.
  • No Longer the Hero Not Peter Rabbit. No siree.
  • Pull, I Mean, Push! How a tiller can help you deliver.
  • Who’s Watching Who? Do bears dance? Not as well as Marty and I do!
  • The Last Two A pair of leftover seedlings find a very special home.
  • Mama vs. the Blackberries Where’s the line between what life to deter—and what to protect?

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