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GreenPrints #085, Spring 2011


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“Dandy Little Thing”, “Don’t Grow Tomatoes in the Sun”, “The Snail and I”, “Remember the Peonies”, “I Made the Wrong Garden!”, “My Mother’s Day Mistake” … and more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Dandy Little Thing
A big man shows his love for his little plants—and his little daughter.

Just One Thing
Something was wrong with my garden.

A look at their history—and my associations.

Don’t Ask Mom …
… what she wants for Mother’s Day!

My Tomato Weed
How we worked out a compromise.

Planting the Seed
A woman with a little granddaughter and an ailing husband finds a moment of hope.

Don’t Grow Tomatoes in the Sun
Gardening—and life—lessons of the islands.

The Non-Stop Mockingbird
Singing right outside my window—all night.

Dr. Worthington
The man—and gardener—who changed my life.

Where’re the Violas?
Why I told my husband to drop dead—and why it’s funny now.

Remember the Peonies
Memorial Day Boquets.

Not So Small Stuff
Something’s happening to honeybees.

The Snail and I
An excerpt from a remarkable new book about a bedridden woman and her unusual companion.

Me and My Toad
Mike McGrath recalls an amiable amphibian.

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