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Stone Family Update

THIS past year—GP’s 25th Anniversary year—I ran pieces by each of our four kids about what it was like to grow up with a magazine business in the house. So it’s been a long time since I gave one of these periodic updates on the Stone family. Let’s make up for lost time, shall we?

A lot has happened. Our offspring all live away—D.C., Atlanta, Louisville, Arizona—so Becky and I don’t see them near as often as we’d like. That makes the big news of the past year Great News: Jesse and her family are spending this school year here, in Fairview, NC, instead of way out in AZ! So not only do we get to see her, Adam, and their kids, Jackson and Izzy, almost every day (instead of twice a year), the whole clan gets together more often. They all came in for Thanksgiving (photo, p. 3), and we all met up for a ski weekend in Snowshoe, WV. It’s been a wonderful blessing to be able to see daughter Sammy, son Tucker, and son Nate, his wife Atteeyah, and their little ones, Otis and Tupelo, so often!

Here’re some pix so you can see them, too. Best to you from all of us!


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