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GreenPrints #100, Winter 2014-15 - 25th Anniversary Special!


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

The extra-special, extra-large, especially themed 25th Anniversary Issue! Quite possibly the best issue ever!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Encora Imparo
Words to live—and garden—by.

Three Roses
A Tale of Love

Full Circle
I was 18. How could I have guessed?

Prominent Garden Writer Diana Wells looks back on 24 years of writing for GreenPrints.

How I Edited an Agricultural Paper
By Mark Twain (Yes, that Mark Twain!)

The Future of Gardening
Is wonderful—just smaller and smarter.

Flower Fairies
Every good garden needs them. So I added them to my Nana’s.

Peace Lily
Traditional, easy care, resilient, forgiving.

In Time
I seem to sometimes move forward, sometimes back.

Better and Better
Think positive—and roll up your shirtsleeves.

The Fish Bowl
Which is more fragile—a bowl or our feelings?

The Ten-Day Tree
Mike McGrath provides the 66th consecutive instance of his amazing humor. (Thank you, Mike!)

My Hummingbird Helper
I tended the tiny bird. Then he tended me.

Hard on the Ego
Sometimes gardening truly is.

Growing Up with GreenPrints, Part I
The children of Your Editor report on life with a magazine in the house.

Ducks in the Garden
Are they hassle-free? No. Do I love them? Yes.

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