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GreenPrints #092, Winter, 2012-13


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“The Rose Bed Fairy”, “Pittsburgh Petunias”, “World War Squirrel”, “Too Hooked on Gardening”, “Stink Bugs and Me”, “Adventures in the Orchid Trade” … and much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

A Grown-Up’s Snow Day
Watching my garden sleep.

The Rose Bed Fairy
My grandfather and I shared a special secret.

Pittsburgh Petunias!
Plant some for the home team.

The Saga of Soap
The story of something every gardener needs.

Spring Fever
An excerpt from a new book on why gardeners garden.

Blue Zones
The USDA plant hardiness map has changed. Should we?

World War Squirrel
The Big Birdfeeder Battle.

Stink Bugs and Me
Mike McGrath has another zany adventure.

Too Hooked on Gardening?
Suffering from gardening addiction? Here’s what to do.

Elmer’s Odyssey
A tale of a fish. And of faith.

The Garden Shed
That brought us back together.

Growing Together
A single dad finds home … in a garden.

Heating with Books
A cold winter and a furnace that needed fuel.

Adventures in the Orchid Trade
Stories from behind the nursery lines.

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