GreenPrints #067, Autumn 2006


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“Carrots Overnight”, “The Garden Cat”, “The Garden Dog”, “Growing Home”, “Looking for Dad”, “Thoughts on Diaries”, a real beer garden … and more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Carrots Overnight
Who can argue with the faith of a four-year-old?

They were a pain. I was in pain. When they could breathe again, so could I.

The Garden Cat
A perfect pet—who kept falling off the roof!

The Beer Garden
At last! A plot a man can love.

Thoughts on Diaries
Notes on gardening. Words on life.

Too Much Compost?!
Mike McGrath and The Misadventure of Mushroom Mountain.

The Box Hedges
Sometimes a loss leads to a gain.

Looking for Dad
At the cemetery—and the compost pile.

The Case of the Pest-Proof Garden
No varmint could ever get in. Then why …?

Growing Home
Many immigrants to the U.S. have only one way to return … gardening.

A gardener’s favorite color.

The Garden Dog
In this corner, Casey the Terrier. In the other, Nettles Squirrlel, the Harrier.

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