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Mequoda Publishing Network

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Meet Mequoda Publishing

Becky and I with Mequoda Senior VP Bill Dugan and GREENPRINTS’S new Executive Director & Editor Kim Mateus.

At first glance, Mequoda Publishing Network is not a likely choice to become GREENPRINTS’ new owner. After all, the company’s primary expertise is, as they put it, in “exploring and expanding the evolving art and science of digital magazine publishing.” They help dozens of magazine companies expand into the digital media world. Indeed, their very name is short for “Media Quote Daily.” That’s because one of their main marketing tools is to send you a free electronic newsletter on a subject you’re interested in—every day.

Mequoda doesn’t even own a print magazine!
Well, they didn’t. They do now.

How did they convince Becky and me that they should be entrusted with our small, intimate garden digest?

1) They showed us that they truly ‘get it.’ They understand what makes GP so unique and special, and they want to keep it that way.

2) They’re very interested in gardening. Indeed, in the past year they started a digital gardening mag of their own: Readers, please go to that website and check out the excellent job they’re doing. You will be incredibly impressed.

3) Starting an “old is new again” trend, they want to work in print as well as digital publishing. (Several of them have strong print back-grounds.) They were looking for a print garden magazine when GP went up for sale.

4) Through long hours of heartfelt discussion and hard work together, the people at Mequoda have convinced Becky and me that they are dedicated to keeping GP in print. And for the foreseeable future, I am essentially coediting the magazine. That’s right: I’m out of running the business. (Yay!) But I’m still putting my touch on every story and drawing.

So readers, before long you’ll be able to get both your classic hold-in-your-hands “Weeder’s Digest” and a daily email GP story. That sounds like the best of both worlds to me!

A Word to You From Kim

When I first laid my eyes on an issue of GreenPrints, I was in awe. After years of reading gardening media, I had never come across anything so heartfelt, so moving, so raw, and so real. The connection I felt to the writers, the artists, and to Pat as the editor was immediate, and I knew that we had to be the ones to carry this beloved magazine from Pat and Becky’s hard-working hands into the hearts and hands of gardeners everywhere.

We promise to honor Pat and Becky’s legacy, and keep their magic going, by staying true to the magazine’s mission while work-ing hard to attract an audience of gardeners who will love Green-Prints as much as you do, and as much as we do. I am lucky that my team at Mequoda is filled with story-loving, print-respecting, food and flower gardeners committed to helping magazines thrive by enhancing them with a powerful digital presence. We can’t wait to introduce you to these new digital offerings later this year, while continuing to serve you in print. In the meantime, be well, keep those fingernails dirty, and reach out to me anytime, for anything.

—Kim Mateus , Executive Director & Editor.

Contacts: Kim (, Pat (, or Becky ( Pat and Becky’s mailing address is 23 Butterrow Cove, Fairview, NC 28730.

Family of Four…More??

(Brief) Stone Family Update: Becky and I are grateful and relieved to announce that our extended grandfamily almost doubled in number in less than two months—from 5 to 9!

Nov. 17, 2021: Older-daughter Jesse, husband Adam, Jackson (10) and Izzy (7) officially adopted Noveah (7), Teaghan (5), and Memphis (3) into their already far-from-quiet Arizona crew. Congratulations and blessings to all!

Dec. 28, 2021: Younger-daughter Sammy, husband Roger, and son Wendell (2) added 8 lb., 10 oz. Casper to their Louisville love nest. A very special baby and a true joy, he is!


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