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Cathy Gornick: A retired teacher’s aide from New Hartford, NY, she’s cherished forget-me-nots since childhood. They still make her smile.

Ellyn Siegel: After years on the East Coast, CA’s Ellyn is thrilled to now have a garden year-round. Her work appeared in Issue 127.

Judith Liebmann: From Bradford, CT: “I have published both fiction and poetry widely, including two poems in The New York Times.”

Bobbie Cyphers: Bobbie’s charming story is in her brand-new memoir of her nursery, Growing Grace. Her work appeared in Issue 128.

Dave Bachmann: “I’m a retired special-ed teacher who taught for 39 years in AZ. I now live and write in CA with my wife Jay and lab Scout.”

Yvonne Blackwood: Ontario, Can-ada’s Yvonne is an author, award-winning short-story writer, col-umnist, world traveler, and retired banker.

Eva Grall: From Montclair, NJ: “I am a writer working on my first novel, and getting an official gar-dening degree from the New York Botanical Garden!”

Kevin Kimpel: From Butler, IN: “I worked as an engineer for 30+ years crunching numbers. Now I crunch words and find it more rewarding.”

Julie V. Foley: An avid gardener from PA, she fondly remembers American Bandstand and has ap-peared in Issues 94, 101, 105, 112, and 116.

Barbara Josephine Adams: Garden-ing since she was a child, Barbara from Anacortes, WA spent her ca-reer as a professional writer (

Katie Kulla: Katie writes (katiekulla. com) and farms with her family on an island in OR’s Willamette River. Her work appeared in Issue 128.

Contributing Editors: Diana Wells (121 issues), Becky Rupp (87 is-sues), and Mike McGrath (84 is-sues) have been valuable mainstays of the magazine for decades.

Buds Credits

“Talk with God” (p. 23) sent in by Marion Owen of Anchorage, AK. “First Dandelion” (p. 47) sent in by Rosemary Grant, Worcester, MA.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to “Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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