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Mequoda Publishing Network
  • Thank you for this beautiful and helpful chart. It will be a great addition to our gardening shed.

  • Sandra J.

    Greenprints is a beautiful publication that I share with every gardening friend. Thank you for this helpful chart.

  • Julia R.

    A great addition for any gardener, useful information always appreciated, thank you Green Prints.

  • Crochet E.

    Since subscribing to your website, I am enjoying learning more about gardening. The Greenprint flower companion guide is excellent. Now I can choose my favorite flower companions (Daffodils) without guessing what flower may look attractive or detract from the garden or landscape.
    Thank You

  • Roe A.

    Thank you. I’ll be sharing this information with my daughter.

  • Gardener F.

    Thanks so much. I have enjoyed your magazine off and on for years.
    You do good work.

  • Tutu D G.

    Thanks a million for this educational chart. I hadn’t heard of companion gardening before. This chart is so helpful.


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