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GreenPrints #049, Spring 2002


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

What gardeners won’t give, blooming boomers, Mama was right, “Why Am I Doing This?”, growing blue, a garden fortune teller … and much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Reaping Dreams
A time for hope.

What my garden taught me about my mother.

True Gold
What Master Gardeners truly treasure.

Goshdarn Galoshes!
Remember them? Well, you and I are the only ones!

Late Bloomers
Baby Boomers finally discover gardening. From the magazine My Generation, by Gerri Hershey

My Friend, Procrastination
Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.

If I Had Known …
My sour sweet-potato tale.

The Garden Fortune Teller
My garden’s future—is it bright or … ?

Garden Words
In England and America, they don’t mean the same things.

A Gardener Reflects
What I learned on September 11, 2001.

Mama’s Weeping Willow
A tree with a moral: Fulfill your mother’s wishes, no matter what.

Why Am I Doing This?
Mike McGrath gives real tomato advice.

Blue for Blue
That coveted, oh-so-hard-to-grow color.

The Mother’s Day Plant Sale
The gardener hates it. The mom, however …

The Lettuce Connection
Lettuce has been a guiding star in my life, beginning one exquisite spring morning when I was six.

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