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GreenPrints #099, Autumn 2014


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“Bullitt the Greyhound”, “The Calamity of the Garden Clogs”, “Garlic Madness”, “Owen’s Hearing”, “My Sweet Sweet Potatoes” … and more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Queen for a Day
Ruler of the orchard.

Weed or Flower?
Good guy or bad? How to tell the difference

Bullitt the Greyhound
My best gardening friend.

My Sweet Sweet Potatoes
And how I learned to share them.

The Calamity of the Garden Clogs
Or why I no longer have to take out the garbage.

Old One-Arm
It takes more than an injured shoulder to keep Mike McGrath from messing up.

Owen’s Hearing
How my son grew—in our garden.

God’s Word for Gardeners Bible
A devotional created especially for gardeners.

Dead Trees

Watermelon Lawn
The year my daughter’s vines took over.

Garden Poems and High-School Kids
The surprise I got when I combined the two.

Grandpa’s Tulips
And why he planted them in the lawn.

The Frog
How all those ornaments got in my garden.

Eat More Kale
And I don’t mean EAT MOR CALE.

And my ungenerous heart.

Garlic Madness
Moving ourselves? OK. But moving the garlic?

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