German Recipes from the Garden

Introduction German Recipes from the Garden

Guten Tag, fellow food enthusiasts and culinary adventurers! Allow me to whisk you away on a delightful journey through the enchanting world of German cuisine. As an avid lover of all things German, I've had the pleasure of indulging in delectable dishes, exploring charming villages, and uncovering the rich tapestry of flavors that define this vibrant culinary landscape.  READ MORE

The Best Pork Schnitzel in Germany

All aboard the schnitzel express! My journey through the delightful world of crispy, golden-brown goodness began on a train from Bonn to Cologne. A colleague, with an enthusiasm for schnitzel that could rival a toddler's for ice cream, assured me that Germany had the best pork schnitzel on the planet.  READ MORE

A Tale of German Potato Salad Evolution

Once upon a time, in the heart of Germany, a humble side dish was born. We all know it as German potato salad, but its journey from a simple spud ensemble to a tangy, mustard-infused masterpiece is a tale worth savoring.  READ MORE

Sauerkraut and Tales of Misguided Ancestry

Ah, the melodious ring of the surnames Holt and Kissel! My whole life, I believed these names bestowed upon me a rich tapestry of German heritage. Picture me, a proud member of the Teutonic tribe, marching boldly into the world armed with bratwurst and lederhosen.  READ MORE

German Chocolate Cake Extravaganza

Once upon a time in the bustling town of Sacramento, there stood a charming little restaurant named the Minuteman. This culinary haven was known far and wide for its delectable treats, especially the heavenly pastries that graced its display cases.  READ MORE

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