American Rose Gardening Resources

American rose gardening enthusiasts are part of a vibrant community that extends beyond the petals and thorns of their own gardens. The journey of cultivating roses is enriched by the wealth of resources available, from specialized societies and dedicated websites to informative books, supportive communities, and reputable retailers. Here is a diverse range of American rose gardening resources, offering a bouquet of knowledge and connections for rose enthusiasts at every level.

CHAPTER 7: American Rose Gardening Resources

American Rose Societies:

  1. American Rose Society (ARS): The American Rose Society, founded in 1892, stands as the nation’s premier organization dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of roses. With a mission to promote the love of roses, the ARS offers a wealth of resources, including educational materials, regional events, and a quarterly magazine, “American Rose.” Membership provides access to expert advice, rose shows, and an extensive library of publications.
  2. The Heritage Roses Group (HRG): For those captivated by the charm of antique and heritage roses, the Heritage Roses Group is a valuable resource. Established in 1975, this organization focuses on the preservation and appreciation of old garden roses. Members receive a newsletter, access to regional events, and the opportunity to connect with fellow enthusiasts passionate about preserving the history of roses.

Online Rose Gardening Communities:

  1. GardenWeb Rose Forum: The GardenWeb Rose Forum, an online community hosted by Houzz, serves as a hub for rose enthusiasts to share their experiences, seek advice, and showcase their gardens. This active forum covers a wide range of topics, from rose care tips to variety recommendations and troubleshooting common issues. Engaging with this community provides valuable insights from a diverse group of rose lovers.
  2. Rose Hybridizers Association (RHA) Forum: The Rose Hybridizers Association, dedicated to advancing rose hybridizing and breeding, hosts an online forum where members can discuss the intricacies of creating new rose varieties. This specialized community is an excellent resource for those interested in the art and science of rose hybridization.

Informative Rose Gardening Websites:

  1. University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program, Roses: The University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program offers a comprehensive online resource on managing pests and diseases in roses. This website provides detailed information on identifying and treating common rose ailments, offering practical solutions for maintaining healthy plants.
  2. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Earth-Kind Roses: The Earth-Kind Roses program, developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, focuses on environmentally friendly rose gardening practices. Their website offers research-based information on selecting, planting, and caring for roses, emphasizing sustainable and Earth-friendly approaches.
  3. David Austin Roses: Renowned for their English Roses, David Austin Roses’ website is a treasure trove for rose enthusiasts. From detailed care guides to an extensive catalog showcasing their exquisite rose varieties, this site is a valuable resource for those who appreciate the unique charm of David Austin’s creations.


Books for Rose Enthusiasts:

  1. American Rose Society Encyclopedia of Roses by Charles Quest-Ritson: This comprehensive guide, endorsed by the American Rose Society, covers an extensive range of rose varieties and provides essential information on cultivation, care, and the history of roses. A go-to reference for both beginners and experienced rose gardeners.
  2. Roses Love Garlic: Companion Planting and Other Secrets of Flowers by Louise Riotte: This classic book explores the world of companion planting, including the benefits of planting roses alongside certain companion plants. A valuable resource for those looking to enhance their rose garden through strategic companion planting.
  3. The American Rose Society’s Modern Encyclopedia of Roses by Rayford Clayton Reddell: This encyclopedia, endorsed by the American Rose Society, is a comprehensive guide to modern rose varieties. With detailed descriptions, care tips, and beautiful photographs, it serves as an invaluable resource for rose enthusiasts seeking to expand their knowledge.


Rose Retailers and Nurseries:

  1. Jackson & Perkins: Established in 1872, Jackson & Perkins is a renowned name in the world of roses. Their online platform offers a vast selection of rose varieties, including classic hybrid teas, floribundas, and landscape roses. The site also provides gardening tools, accessories, and helpful resources for rose enthusiasts.
  2. Heirloom Roses: Heirloom Roses is a specialty nursery known for its collection of antique and heirloom roses. With a focus on preserving historic varieties, the nursery offers a diverse range of roses with historical significance. Their website provides a wealth of information on each rose variety, aiding enthusiasts in making informed choices.
  3. Wayside Gardens: Wayside Gardens, in business since 1920, is a reliable source for high-quality roses and other plants. Their online catalog features a wide array of rose varieties, including hybrid teas, shrubs, and climbers. The site also offers gardening tools, accessories, and expert advice on rose care.


Local Rose Societies and Gardens:

  1. Local American Rose Society Chapters: Many regions have local chapters affiliated with the American Rose Society. Joining a local chapter provides opportunities to connect with fellow rose enthusiasts, attend local events, and participate in rose shows. Check the American Rose Society’s website for information on local chapters in your area.
  2. Descanso Gardens, California: Descanso Gardens, located in La Cañada Flintridge, California, features a stunning International Rosarium with a diverse collection of roses. The garden hosts events, workshops, and guided tours, making it an excellent resource for Southern California rose enthusiasts.


Social Media Communities:

  1. Instagram: #RoseGarden, #RoseEnthusiast: Instagram serves as a visual platform for sharing the beauty of roses. Explore hashtags like #RoseGarden and #RoseEnthusiast to discover a myriad of stunning rose photos, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and gather inspiration for your own rose garden.
  2. Facebook Groups: Rose Lovers Community, Rose Gardening Enthusiasts: Facebook groups dedicated to rose gardening provide a space for enthusiasts to ask questions, share experiences, and celebrate the joys of rose cultivation. Join groups like “Rose Lovers Community” and “Rose Gardening Enthusiasts” to become part of a supportive online community.


Educational Institutions:

  1. Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania: Longwood Gardens, located in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, is a horticultural gem with a breathtaking rose garden. The garden hosts educational programs, workshops, and events, making it an ideal destination for those seeking to deepen their knowledge of roses.


Rose Photography and Art:

  1. American Rose Society Photo Contests: The American Rose Society regularly hosts photo contests, providing rose enthusiasts with an opportunity to showcase their photographic skills. Participating in these contests and viewing the winning entries can be a source of inspiration and appreciation for the artistic side of rose cultivation.


Additional Tips for Maximizing Resources:

  • Stay Updated with Newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters from rose societies, nurseries, and online forums to stay updated on the latest trends, tips, and events in the world of rose gardening.
  • Attend Local Events: Participate in local rose shows, garden tours, and workshops organized by rose societies and nurseries. These events offer a chance to learn from experts, connect with local enthusiasts, and discover new rose varieties.
  • Utilize Extension Services: Local agricultural extension services often provide valuable information on gardening practices, pest management, and soil health specific to your region. Take advantage of these resources to enhance your rose gardening knowledge.

American rose gardening resources are as diverse and vibrant as the roses themselves. From established societies and dedicated websites to informative books, supportive communities, reputable retailers, and captivating festivals, enthusiasts have a wealth of tools at their disposal. By tapping into these resources, rose lovers can deepen their understanding, share experiences, and continuously elevate their rose gardening endeavors. Whether you’re a novice seeking guidance or a seasoned enthusiast looking for new inspirations, the American rose gardening community is ready to nurture your passion for the queen of flowers. So, immerse yourself in this rich tapestry of resources, and let your rose garden flourish into a testament of timeless beauty and enduring elegance.


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