Nikko Blue Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla “Nikko Blue”)


The Nikko Blue Hydrangea, a cultivar of the bigleaf hydrangea, is renowned for its stunning, large, and vibrant blue flower clusters. With its bold and showy blooms, this hydrangea variety has become a favorite choice among gardeners looking to add a touch of elegance and color to their landscapes.




Nikko Blue Hydrangea features broad, dark green leaves that provide a lush backdrop to its eye-catching flowers. The foliage is large and serrated, adding to the overall appeal of the plant.



The most distinctive feature of the Nikko Blue Hydrangea is its large, rounded flower clusters. These blooms can vary in shades from light blue to deep azure, creating a captivating display. The flower color is influenced by the soil pH, with acidic soil producing blue flowers and alkaline soil resulting in pink flowers.



This hydrangea variety typically reaches a height and width of 4 to 6 feet, forming a well-shaped shrub that fits well into various garden settings.


Growing Conditions

Soil pH

Nikko Blue Hydrangea thrives in acidic to slightly acidic soil conditions. A soil pH range of 5.2 to 6.2 is considered ideal for producing the signature blue flowers. Gardeners aiming for pink flowers can raise the soil pH by adding lime. Regular monitoring and adjustments of soil pH contribute to achieving the desired flower color.


Sun Requirements

These hydrangeas perform best in partial shade to full sun conditions. Morning sun with afternoon shade is often recommended, especially in regions with hot and intense sunlight. Providing some protection from the harsh afternoon sun helps maintain the quality of the blooms and prevents wilting.



Nikko Blue Hydrangeas prefer consistently moist soil, and regular watering is essential, especially during dry periods. Mulching around the base of the plant helps retain soil moisture and regulates soil temperature. However, it’s crucial to avoid waterlogged conditions, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot.


Hardiness Zones

Nikko Blue Hydrangea is well-suited for planting in USDA hardiness zones 6 to 9. This range covers a variety of climates, making it adaptable to both milder and warmer regions. The plant’s ability to withstand a range of temperatures makes it a versatile choice for gardeners across different geographic areas.


Best Planting Time

The optimal time for planting Nikko Blue Hydrangeas is in the Spring or Fall when temperatures are moderate. Planting during these seasons allows the shrub to establish a strong root system before facing more extreme weather conditions.


Maintenance Tips

To ensure the continued health and vibrant blooms of your Nikko Blue Hydrangea, consider the following maintenance tips.



Pruning is generally recommended in late Winter or early Spring. Nikko Blue Hydrangeas bloom on old wood, so pruning should be done after flowering to avoid removing potential blooms. Remove dead or weak wood and shape the plant as needed.



Applying a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in Spring supports overall growth and flowering. It’s essential not to over-fertilize, as bigleaf hydrangeas are not heavy feeders.



Mulch around the base of the plant with organic materials like shredded bark or compost. Mulching helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain a consistent soil temperature.


Soil Amendments for Color Control

To control the flower color, especially for achieving or maintaining blue blooms, gardeners can amend the soil with aluminum sulfate. This helps lower the soil pH and intensify the blue coloration.


Winter Protection

In colder climates, providing a layer of mulch around the base of the plant helps insulate the roots and protect them from Winter frost. Covering the plant with burlap during extreme cold snaps can prevent Winter damage.


Landscaping Uses

Nikko Blue Hydrangeas offer versatility in landscaping designs. Here are some popular uses in garden settings.


Mass Plantings

Planting multiple Nikko Blue Hydrangeas in close proximity creates a stunning mass of blue blooms, making a bold statement in the landscape.


Mixed Borders

Combining Nikko Blue Hydrangeas with other shrubs, perennials, and flowering plants adds visual interest and dynamic contrast to mixed borders.


Accent Plant

Planted as a focal point, the vibrant blue blooms of Nikko Blue Hydrangea draw attention and provide a striking accent in the garden.


Container Gardening

Suitable for large containers, these hydrangeas can be grown on patios or decks, allowing for mobility and flexibility in garden design.


Cut Flower Gardens

The large, colorful blooms make Nikko Blue Hydrangeas an excellent choice for cut-flower gardens, providing fresh or dried flowers for floral arrangements.

Nikko Blue Hydrangea, with its stunning blue blooms and adaptable nature, stands as a captivating addition to gardens across a range of climates. Its vibrant flowers and lush foliage make it a popular choice among gardeners seeking a plant that combines beauty with relative ease of care. By understanding its specific soil, sun, and watering requirements, gardeners can enjoy the striking beauty of Nikko Blue Hydrangea and create a vibrant landscape centerpiece.


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