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At The Gate

So much to be thankful for …

It’s that time of year—the time to reflect and be thankful. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year, because it’s a chance to remember everything wonderful about my garden this year, the flowers and the herbs. Especially as the seasons do their job and transform the garden before me.

I’m thankful for my beautiful and constantly blooming lantana and petunias this past Summer … and my expanded herb garden that included basil, thyme, rosemary, sage, parsley, chive, oregano, dill, and cilantro. I had challenges this year growing cilantro for the first time, but I learned.

Of course, I love Thanksgiving dinner and all it means to those who gather together in solidarity to share a meal, raise a glass, converse, and maybe play some board games that might reveal the competitiveness of various family members and friends. Or share some gardening stories that might involve mishaps or better ways to grow cilantro!

And what else am I thankful for? Well, I’m especially thankful for GreenPrints and for you, our readers, who help keep us going. It’s been a tough year, but we thank you for enabling GreenPrints to continue. Kudos to you for that!

It’s one thing to keep an individual garden going, and it’s quite another thing to keep going a 34-year tradition of gardening stories from the heart—that requires an entire community, and I’m grateful to all of you. You, the readers. The contributors. The artists. The staff. And, especially, our founder Pat Stone and his dear wife, Becky. They continue to contribute to GreenPrints, making it special and unique … still.

All you have to do to feel the same sense of gratitude is to read this issue … and to listen to the recorded audio of stories, performed by Pat and Becky.

Bask in the beauty of the artwork. Let your heart quiver when you read a meaningful story. Smile and laugh when a funny part hits you. Feel the goosebumps on your skin when a story affects you. And then share it all with someone you love.

That’s what GreenPrints is all about. The meaningful personal side of gardening, as told through stories that you just can’t find anywhere else.

Please take time to read this issue and to listen to the stories that have been recorded for you by Pat and Becky Stone—and then tell me what you’re most thankful for this season.

I’d truly love to hear from you.

Bill Dugan signature
Bill Dugan
Editor & Publisher

P.S. Please email me or comment below with your feedback. I look forward to hearing from you.


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