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Mequoda Publishing Network


Cheryl L. Davison: From Florence, CO: “A healthcare worker, I have written for travel and trade magazines.” Cheryl had charming stories in last issue and GP No. 118!

Shannon Smith: “I am a retired highschool teacher and fifth-generation Kansan. Christopher is now a seventh grader, coming over to mow my lawn soon. And Zephy is waving at me.”

Henry Clarke Dolive: “I’ve been around: taught at several universities, worked for a governor’s office, and for 20 years ran a political jurisdiction of 45,000 people.”

Karen Keltz: When she knows people are coming to see her garden in Tillamook, OR , Karen sometimes dresses up as a garden elf in red tights, red shirt, and straw hat.

Bobbie Cyphers: Bobbie writes and teaches about gardening and the natural world at her old farm in the hills of East Tennessee. She had stories in GP Nos. 62 and 109.

Madeline McEwen: From San Jose, CA: “This piece is dedicated to my dear neighbor, substitute grandfather, and all-around good egg, Gene.”

Teresa H. Janssen: Port Townsend, WA’s Teresa has had prose and poetry in numerous publications and is working on a novel set in turn-of-the-century New Mexico.

Maggie Meehan: Hudson, MA’s Maggie wrote humorous pieces about being “Gardening Fools” with her friend Marge in GP Nos. 54 and 119.

John Hinton: From Frankfort, IN: “As a writer, I focus on poetry (my first collection, Blackbird Songs, was published in January), but I love a good story.”

Caroline Wiseblood Meline: “I’ve been on my corner since 1978 and am a real fixture in this neighbor-hood. My twin grandchildren went through a Philadelphia school your Editor once taught at!”

Marianne Willburn: You can read more of this award-winning writer at and in GP Nos. 100, 105, and 106!

Chuck Jutz: From Dundas, MN: “I have never before submitted anything for publication, but I hope you will take the time to read my tribute to my wife of 53 years.”


“A Thing of Beauty” sent in by Linda R. Bell of Knoxville, TN.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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