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Amanda Spino: “I am a public librarian and freelance writer in Annapolis, MD and have a muddybrown (not green) thumb.”

Cathy Clary: “I currently design gardens and landscapes around Charlottesville, VA. I also teach about design—and trees!”

Susan P. Blevins: Passionate Houston gardener Susan had pieces in Issues 108, 115, and 120.

Sheelagh Mooney: Sheelagh’s writing has been in everything from Irish Times to Woman U.K.!

Carmen De Vito: Italian-rooted Carmen designs gardens and writes ( in Brooklyn, NY.

Susan Barber: San Diego County’s Susan loves to experiment with new plants. Her work appeared in Issues 123 and 124.

John Hershey: The wonderul humor of this Coloradoan gardener has appeared in 17 earlier issues.

Kay Sexton: From East Sussex, UK: “My gardening roots truly run deep. When I was 2-1/2, I dug a garden hole so deep, I disappeared from view in it. With a soup spoon!”

Louisa Fordyce: From Saltsburg, PA: “A blissfully retired professor of English, I can now garden as many hours as I want!”

Katie Kulla: Katie writes ( and farms with her family on an island in OR’s Williamette River.

Bobbie Cyphers: Bobbie’s moving story is in her brand-new memoir of her nursery, Growing Grace.

Marcy O’Brien: Warren, PA’s Marcy has been writing a humor/human-interest column for her local paper for 17 years.

Contributing Editors: Diana Wells (100 Flowers and How They Got Their Names; 120 issues), Becky Rupp (How Carrots Won the Trojan War; 86 issues), and Mike McGrath (You Bet Your Garden radio show; 83 issues) have been valuable mainstays of the magazine for decades.


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