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Andrew Normand: From Shropshire, United Kingdom: “I am a school teacher, father, and general dogsbody (worker) in my wife’s allotment.”

Kathy Chapman: Kathy is a reformed systems analyst (and—see Issue No. 92—hockey fan!) gardening in New York’s Finger Lakes. Her work appeared in GreenPrints Issues 92 and 99.

Laurel Radomski: An avid (“well, rabid”) Wisconsin gardener, Laurel had stories in ten other issues!

Leslie Hanks: “I garden on a rocky ridge near the Arkansas River, where I compete with wildlife for my vegetables (coyotes actually seem to like melons!).”

Christine Webb: Kalamazoo, Michigan’s Christine teaches middle-school English and environmental science. She did not inherit her grandmother’s green thumb, but did raise two cacti once in Nevada.

Judy Pellettieri: A retired New Hampshire elementary school principal, Judy enjoys gardening, doing pastel portraits, and traveling.

Janet Ruth: Janet is a poet and retired research ornithologist from New Mexico. Her garden does include two peach trees, one of which is old enough to fill the freezer and jam jars every four years or so.

Richard Cox: “Most every weekend finds my wife, Janie, and me in the garden. Retired, I also paint watercolors and am working on ‘The Great American Novel.’”

Elizabeth S. Riall: From Humansville, Missouri: “My childhood garden has grown up with me and now consists of a three-acre produce operation our family runs together.”

Ellyn Siegel: After years on the East Coast, California’s Ellyn is thrilled to now have a garden year-round. Her work appeared in GreenPrints Issues 127 and 129.

Carla June Ginter: Manitoba gardener and writer Carla shares her home “with my devoted husband, a friendly dog, and an evil cat.”

Susan J. Bliss: Oregon’s Susan is a gardener, a registered pharmacist, and author of We Will Be Healed: Spiritual Renewal for Healthcare Professionals. Her work appeared in GreenPrints Issues 124 and 130.

Marcy O’Brien: Warren, Pennsylvania’s Marcy has been writing a humor/human-interest column for her local paper for 17 years.

Cathy Gilbert: From Renton, Washington: “My husband and I have spent 20 years turning our horse-pasture yard into a peaceful garden oasis.”

Cathy Gornick: A retired teacher’s aide from New Hartford, New York, she’s cherished forget-me-nots since childhood. They still make her smile.


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