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Letters to GreenPrints

What a delight GREENPRINTS is, like finding a really effective fertilizer! It’s so natural and honest—positively organic!
—Sally Burk, Chalfont, PA

Thanks, Sally. That’s the nicest way anyone’s ever called this magazine manure! (Grin!)


This is a thank you for Kerry Cesen’s beautiful Autumn 2016 cover and wonderful Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: “All my hurts my garden spade can heal.” I volunteer at a small heritage museum in Central Texas. I helped design a courtyard garden reflecting our ancestor’s plants: heirloom roses, crinums, irises, oxblood rain lilies, etc. Recently, I went on a two-month vacation and returned to find it all dug up—25 trash bags full of bulbs! I hid and cried.

Your cover spoke right to me. I will use my spade to replant what bulbs I can in my own garden—and heal my hurts.
—Vivian Dube, Lincoln, TX

I shouldn’t run a letter that’s about me, but Donna writes so well—and gives me goals to try to live up to:

I feel like I’m writing my favorite brother, the one who had the good sense to recognize the perfect, sweet, talented sister-in-law and snap her up before (adorable, trusting soul that she is) she realized just how strange the rest of us can be…and then added those kids the family is so proud of!

The brother who introduces us to his great friends—Mike McGrath, Diana Wells, Becky Rupp, and so many more!

The brother who is the macho outdoorsman but is sensitive to the subtle turn of a phrase, the nuance of a poem, and the wordless inspiration and comfort of beautiful graphic art.

The brother who is not embarassed to speak about love and faith, and who does not just speak about those things, but demonstrates them in the world through his actions.

—Donna Chernowetz, Hamilton, NJ


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