A Tex-Mex Flan Adventure

From Restaurant Delight to Garden Harvest

Read by Michael Flamel


Once upon a time in the vibrant city of Houston, during the early 1980s, I found myself in the delightful position of being the general manager for Houston Home & Garden magazine. The role came with its perks, and one of the most savory ones was the invitation to various restaurant openings and celebrations. Little did I know that one such event would set me on a culinary adventure that would forever change my perspective on culture, happiness, and the art of savoring life.

It was a sunny June day when my colleagues and I were invited to a restaurant opening that would celebrate the magical world of Tex-Mex cuisine. From zesty appetizers to flavorful entrées, our taste buds embarked on a journey of discovery, perfectly paired with tequila, sangria, and a robust Argentinian red wine. But the pinnacle of our culinary expedition was yet to unfold—the chef’s personal rendition of Mexican flan.

The dessert arrived at our table like a golden treasure, a creamy and luscious creation that seemed to capture the essence of happiness on a plate. It was a revelation, a dessert so delightful that it left an indelible mark on our collective memory. Determined to recreate this masterpiece at home, my friends and I embarked on a quest to unlock the secrets of Mexican flan.

Here is our rendition of Flan Mexicano, infused with fresh garden ingredients to give it a farm-to-table twist, perfect for serving on a beautiful Houston night as the sun sets in the west.



  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 6 ounces unsalted fresh creamery butter
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk
  • 1 cup fresh orange juice (straight from your garden oranges)
  • Zest of one orange
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  • Prepare the Caramel
    • Use the butter to coat the bottom and sides of a 9 inch round baking dish
    • In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, melt the granulated sugar until it turns a deep amber color.
    • Quickly pour the caramel into your 9-inch round baking dish, swirling to coat the bottom evenly. Allow it to cool and harden.
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • Mix the Custard
    • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together eggs until well-beaten.
    • Add sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, fresh orange juice, orange zest, and vanilla extract. Mix until well combined.
  • Carefully pour the custard mixture over the cooled caramel in the baking dish.
  • Bake in a Water Bath
    • Place the baking dish in a larger pan filled with hot water to create a water bath. Bake for about 50-60 minutes or until the flan is set but still jiggles slightly in the center.
  • Chill and Unmold
    • Allow the flan to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  • To serve, run a knife around the edge of the dish and invert onto a serving plate, letting the caramel drizzle over the top.

Pairing Suggestions

  • Serve the Flan Mexicano with a refreshing glass of homemade sangria, filled with seasonal fruits.
  • Alternatively, pair it with a smooth and chilled Lalo tequila blanco for a true Tex-Mex experience.
  • Enjoy the dessert outdoors under the Houston stars, surrounded by the fragrance of your garden’s blossoms.

And there you have it—a culinary journey that started with a restaurant opening and ended in a garden-inspired Flan Mexicano, a dessert that encapsulates the joy and spirit of Texas nights. Cheers to the richness of culture, happiness, and the simple pleasure of being!


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