The Neglected Flower Patch

Ellie is a fairy who firmly believes in following the rules, understanding their role in maintaining order and ensuring everyone’s safety. Despite her love for being a fairy, she acknowledges the challenges and dangers that come with being so small—small enough to ride on the back of an ant, yet vulnerable to the accidental squish of a ladybug. By steadfastly adhering to fairy rules, she believes she can ensure her safety.

Her sanctuary lies among flowers and plants, where Ellie feels the safest. She shares a deep affinity with their ability to grow and flourish with a little love and attention. The tight bud opening for the morning sun and the dewdrops shimmering on velvety petals enchant her. Everywhere she looks is a kaleidoscope of beautiful colors, capable of bringing a smile even to the grumpiest creature.

Ellie dedicates her time to flowers and plants, considering it her life mission to ensure their happiness, health, and well-being. Each morning, she flits to a different part of the garden to ensure their care.

One morning, she finds herself on the northern edge of the garden, a territory unknown to her and, perhaps, to any fairy before. Hesitating, she looks back over her shoulder, but a mysterious calling urges her to venture further. Telling herself she’ll go just a bit further, she cautiously continues.

It is darker here than back in the center of the village, with shadows everywhere that Ellie looks. She creeps along, looking carefully around. Up ahead, she hears a sad whisper in the air. It is there that she keeps heading towards.

As she rounds a rather large hosta bush, Ellie sees what has been calling to her. Hidden back under the branches of a tree is an old neglected flower patch. She sees a rosebush where all the proud heads are pointed to the ground. There is a patch of violets leaning on top of one another, without the strength to stand on their own. Daisies are hunched over, their petals falling like tears.

Ellie stops with a gasp! How did this happen? How could this area be so neglected? She decides that she has to help these beautiful flowers right away. She looks around, deciding what needs to be done first. As she looks up, she notices how little sunlight is reaching this area. She flies up to the trees and twirls in circles. As if by magic, the leaves gently swirl and part, allowing sunlight to stream down on the small garden patch.

She flits back down to the ground and walks among the flowers. Ellie notices how dry the ground is. If the ground is this dry, then the roots of the flowers must not be getting enough water. As she walks through the stems, she hums a little tune. A gentle rain shower falls from the sky and washes over the petals. She can almost see the stems thirstily drinking up the freshly fallen rain.

After a few minutes, the drizzle stops, and the sun shines down again on the little garden. A noticeable change is already starting to come over the neglected flowers. The daisies are standing tall, their petals shimmering in the sun. The violets are no longer leaning on each other for support but appear to be swaying together as if in a dance. The roses have lifted their heads to catch the glimmering rays, their petals unfolding as if smiling up to the sun.

Ellie no longer hears the sad whisper that drew her to this section of the garden. Instead, she hears a happy chatter growing in volume. She smiles as she realizes it is the happiness of the flowers shining through. The chatter reminds her of the afternoons that she spends with her friends Twinkle Star, Lemon Drop, and Aria. As she looks at the sun, she realizes that she has to hurry if she doesn’t want to be late meeting her friends in the town square.

Ellie bids a quick goodbye to her new friends in the northern flower patch. Her heart filled with lightness, she flits home, reminded that anything can flourish with a little love and attention. After all, the best thing that we can do for ourselves is to look around and see how we can be of help to others.


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