The Dragon Bridge

In the magical realm of Fairy Glen, Twinkle Star awoke to a slightly overcast morning with a faint feeling of trepidation. Today marks the day she plans to explore the mysterious Dragon Bridge. With determination in her heart, she intends not only to reach the bridge but to venture across it.

Rushing through her morning routine of brushing her teeth and tidying her home, Twinkle Star feels the urgency to embark on her journey before courage slips away. It isn’t merely curiosity that drives her; she believes she is destined to visit the bridge and meet the gnomes, creatures she is convinced are misunderstood.

As Twinkle Star leaves her home, she casts a quick glance around, uncertain if her friends might appear to dissuade her. Shocked by her plans, they had not been supportive. Finding no one in sight, Twinkle Star heads south, crossing the wooded patch leading to the gnomes’ village and the dreaded Dragon Bridge. She has decided to take the time to walk today, not wanting to startle anyone (or anything) near the bridge. Her wings are gently fluttering behind her as she steps cautiously ever closer to the gnomes’ village.

Reaching the edge of the woods, she peers cautiously towards the Dragon Bridge, catching just a glimpse of its edge. Doubt lingers—should she proceed or heed her friends’ warnings? Is she on the path to new friendships or walking directly into danger?

Drawing in a deep breath, Twinkle Star steps out from the tree line, her inner conviction driving her forward. She swiftly crosses the small clearing and approaches the giant bridge spanning a small stream. Stopping at the edge, she marvels at its immense size, unable to see the other side.

Gulping, she contemplates taking the first step onto the bridge, her inner strength summoned to overcome any fear. A slight rumble underfoot makes her jump back, falling to the ground. Looking around and not seeing anything, Twinkle Star, undeterred, gets back on her feet.

Square-shouldered and resolute, she steps onto the bridge once more. Feeling the familiar rumble, she holds her ground as the shaking subsides. With cautious steps, she advances. The bridge was shrouded in fog, limiting visibility. Tentatively, she takes a few more steps but halts when the bridge begins to shake again.

Suddenly, a towering figure materializes in front of Twinkle Star. Craning her head back, she gazes at the colossal creature—a dragon! Gasping at the sight of piercing green eyes, she is taken aback.

“Who goes there?” rumbles the dragon as puffs of smoke float before her.

Twinkle Star realizes the fog is, in fact, dragon smoke. Startled, she struggles to speak, managing only a squeak.

The dragon, lowering its head to her level, repeats, “Who goes there?”

With courage summoned from within, she stammers, “My name is Twinkle Star.” As the dragon inquires about her purpose, she softly replies, “I am on my way to the gnome village, to introduce myself to the gnomes.”

The dragon ponders her words. Unaccustomed to visitors attempting to cross the Dragon Bridge, it finally replies, “No, we do not accept strangers in our village. We do not need anyone who would do us harm.” Surprised, Twinkle Star questions why harm would be sought against the dragon or the gnomes.

The dragon explained, “Those that are not understood are often feared.”

Contemplating the truth in the dragon’s words and recalling her friends’ reactions, Twinkle Star takes a deep breath and asserts, “I mean no harm. I am here to make friends. I believe that everyone deserves to be heard and to have friends.”

The dragon, peering into her eyes, sees only truth and a pure soul. In a gentler voice, the dragon allows her to pass. As Twinkle Star thanks the dragon and continues, the dragon smoke lifts, revealing the gnome village before her. She reaches the edge of the bridge and looks out over the village, ready to unravel the mysteries that await her.


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