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Club Notes Type: Cultivating Wisdom

Tomatoes. Good for What Ails You?

Tomatoes. Good for What Ails You?

There’s a long history of helpful medicinals from plants. Just for starters, we’ve got aspirin from willow bark, digitalis from foxgloves, quinine from the cinchona tree; and codeine from opium ... Read More 



First, a moment of truth: we don’t make hay. We have a field, and the farmer up the road cuts it, makes hay out of it and takes it home ... Read More 

Not Bad Apples

Not Bad Apples

Apples have a bad reputation dating back to the Book of Genesis. And we’re never going to let them forget about it, either, since we’ve immortalized their part in the ... Read More 

April Showers

April Showers

April showers bring May flowers” is a proverb that dates at least to 1560. That is, more or less. The 16th-century version was “Aprell sylver showers so sweet/Can make May ... Read More 



I love Downton Abbey. I’m willing to put up with all its foibles—the lackluster Lady Edith; the snippy Lady Mary; the continual arrests of one or the other of the ... Read More 

Are Plants Smart?

Are Plants Smart?

Think about this much and it’s a downright creepy question. I mean, consider what we do to plants. We prune them, mow them, cage them, tie them to poles and ... Read More 

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