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Mequoda Publishing Network


Harvey Silverman: From Manchester, NH: “I am a retired physician and write primarily for my own enjoyment.”

Bob McCray: Evanston, IL’s Bob teaches writing and has had more than 400 articles and stories published, several on gardening.

Linda Finnegan: From Augusta, GA: “I teach middle school language arts, am the mother of nine grown children and the grandmother of nine—and garden mostly in containers.”

Sonja Johanson: A lifetime Master Gardener, Bar Harbor, ME’s Sonja runs an outdoor garden classroom and saves so many seeds that there is no room in her freezer for anything as unimportant as ice cubes.

Betty Carew: Betty lives in the small coastal community of Gates Cove, Newfoundland, where peace and beauty abound. She is a wife (44 years), mother, and grandmother, and has done such things as running a 56-unit apartment complex!

Stephanie A. Burk: Dr. Steph Burk is a small-animal veterinarian in southwest Ohio who enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and all things equestrian.

Sue Ellis: From Mead, WA: “I’ve been gardening since my 20’s. Any success I’ve had is purely due to dumb luck, assisted by my addiction to being bent over outside, mindlessly pulling weeds and listening to the birds.”

Lucille Bellucci: From Oakland, CA: “This piece illustrates my total ineptness at gardening. (Some years I reap big, juicy tomatoes; others, little green things. No idea why!)”

Gargi Mehra: “I am a writer, mother, and software professional in Maharashtra, India. My work has appeared in several literary journals as well as Chicken Soup for the Soul: Indian College Students.”

Molly O’Connor: Molly lives in rural Ontario and is the author of three books, titled Fourteen Cups, Wandering Backward, and Snow Business.

Buds Credits

“Take Care of a Weed” (p. 55) sent in by Sonja Razey of Sagle, ID.
“I Know in My Heart it is June” (p. 73) sent in by Linda R. Bell of Knoxville, TN.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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