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Elizabeth S. Riall: From Humansville, MO: “My childhood garden has grown up with me and now consists of a three-acre produce operation our family runs together.”

Stephen A. Richardson: Raised in England and Scotland, served at sea in World War II, and retired in 1974, 96-year-old Stephen has written since childhood.

Melody Morrell: From Eugene, OR: “My earliest gardening experience was transplanting blooming daffodils, baby cedar trees—and a poison oak bush.”

Philip Alan Sandberg: Smalltown NY’s Philip is a vegetable gardener and (normally) geologic writer.

Judy Bailey: Happily retired in Leland, NC, Judy learned to garden toddling along behind her daddy.

Tammie S. Haynes: Tammie is “an attorney, mediator, writer, and reluctant gardener living in the Houston, TX area.”

Lew-Ellyn Hughes: “I’m an award-winning Maine columnist and passionate gardener—although I’ll never win an award for that!”

Terri Ann Rosenau: “I’ve gardened organically since I was 12, a challenge here in central Oregon. I loved Organic Gardening when Mike McGrath was there. Please tell him how glad I am to read him in GP!”

Neal Lemery: Oregon’s Neal is a Master Gardener, retired judge, and mentor of young men in a local youth prison.

Bobbie Cyphers: “When I saw you at the Garden Writers Association Conference, it reminded me to resubscribe—and to submit this personal story.”

Margaret Kramar: From Lecompton, KS: “We have 14 organic garden plots on our family farm—as well as 200 free-range chickens and a variety of pets.”


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