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Mary Ekstrand: “I live on a small saltwater bay in Puget Sound. I am an avid gardener with flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees. I think of the bromeliad in my story every time I buy a pineapple!”

Debbie Morris: A doctor and college professor, Debbie lives in rural NC and had stories in Issues 112, 113, and 116.

Erica Fire: A professional costume technician, Erica gardens in Wheatfield, NY, growing food through the winter and trapping soil carbon to fight climate change. Her three rabbits eat homegrown greens most of the year.

Jan Canyon: From Keytesville, MO: “These days, as a retiree, I garden with straw bales, raised beds—anything to keep me off my knees. Gardening is a palette of gorgeous colors to be applied generously.”

Maggie Meehan: Maggie and her longtime friend Marge live and garden together in Hudson, MA.

Marissa Baker: From Mount Gilead, OH: “I’ve been a gardener for many years, have operated a small roadside greenhouse for two years, and volunteered at Kingwood for about five years.”

Howard Pearre: Howard lives in Winston-Salem, NC, retired from the Veterans Administration in 2015, leads third graders on tours of the local Reynolda Gardens, and won a third-place ribbon for bell peppers in the 2015 Dixie Classic Fair.

John Hershey: A CO lawyer who loves to garden, John has shared his wonderful wit and wisdom in 14 past issues of GREENPRINTS!

Victoria Johnson: A former Cullman Fellow, Victoria is currently an associate professor of urban policy and planning at Hunter College, where she teaches the history of New York City.

Lean Hoenen: From Topsham ME: “My husband and I moved to Maine eight years ago for his job (he teaches people how to taste beer!). We are currently rehabilitating our second old, rundown farm, where we’re raising sheep, free-range children and acres of thistles.”

Buds Credits

“Nurturing Us” (p. 19) sent in by June K. Blake of Clyde, NY. “Interconnected” (p. 45) sent in by (I confess) me.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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