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Georgia A. Hubley: The Nevada-based writer says: “At Christmas, I reflect on growing up in rural Ohio on a dairy farm.” Her work appeared in Issues 88, 104, and 117.

Alice Helen Masek: This CA grandmother is a group papercutting artist, writer, composer, rock painter, weaver, and gardener.

Robert Beringer: A marine journalist from Jacksonville, FL: “Why submit a story to a gardening magazine? Because I’m a gardener, too!”

Dave Bachmann: “I’m a retired special-ed teacher who taught for 39 years in AZ. I now live and write in CA with my wife Jay and lab Scout.” His work appeared in Issues 129 and 131.

Lou Storm: Texas-based Lou says: “My goals, heart, and soul—all still young. My body? Not in your wildest dreams!“ His work appeared in Issue 112.

Valli Jones Davis: From Philippi, WV: “I’m author of a weekly column in my hometown’s local newspaper. I share here a wonderful story about my father’s garden.”

Dianne Rathje: She grew up in the atmosphere of an Iowa greenhouse and continues to connect with nature by gardening, pruning, and soaking up some sun!

Tamara Grippi: From the San Francisco Bay area: “I’ve been a newspaper writer for more than eight years and am now turning my focus to personal essays.”

Carol Chernega: “This story always gets a laugh when I relate it during my garden lectures,” says this PA-based gardener, lecturer, and pruning coach.

Daphne Keller: “Orchids got me through some tough times—and are satisfying for an amateur gardener like me,” says this English professor from Shrewsbury, NJ.

Jeremy Homesley: English teacher, writer, actor, and farmer from Piedmont, NC, Jeremy tends a tree farm with his wife and 4-year-old son.

Contributing Editors: Diana Wells (124 issues with a rerun in this issue), Becky Rupp (90 issues), and Mike McGrath (87 issues) have been valuable mainstays of the magazine for decades.

Buds Credits

“Loved into Being” (p. 15)
sent in by David King of Los Angeles, CA.
“Medicine to the Soul” (p. 69)
sent in by Marion Owen of Anchorage, AK.

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