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The Little Boy with the No-Spinach Blues


Blake, my firstborn, started helping in the garden when he was two years old. He wanted to plant the spinach by himself, so I dug the row and Blake planted the seeds. (Of course, he clumped too many in one spot. I spread them out when he wasn’t looking.)

After they sprouted, he helped me water and weed them. He did pretty well for a two-year-old. Blake loved watching his spinach grow. He liked eating it, too. Indeed, he decided it was his favorite vegetable. He loved it so much he always ate it when we went out to Golden Corral.

One time we went there to eat, but they were out of spinach. We were sitting at the table, and Blake was crying.

A waitress came over and asked, “What’s wrong, little boy?”

“You don’t have any spinach, so I am sad,” he said through his tears.

By Kim Miller of Cortez, CO. Kim had another lighthearted Cutting about her other son’s garden experience in GP#98.


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