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GreenPrints #043, Autumn 2000


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

The most famous story from Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, “Squirrels Drive Me Nuts”, “10 Gardening Commandments”, “Old Friends” … and much, much more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

Love and Daffodils Forever
A husband’s final gift.

Next Year
Not everything in life gives us a second chance.

The Woman Behind the Geraniums
Why do I lug those pots in every fall? To block my husband’s view of Her!

“Don’t Forget to Feed the Birds!”
Uh, I didn’t mean plant 300 pounds of sunflower seed …

Growing Memories
In the garden, I remember.

Give an Earthworm a Ride
And be grateful that the early settlers did.

Going Squirrel-Crazy
I tell you, they drive me, well, nuts.

Memories of a Press-Gang Gardener
Woe, woe, what our parents made us do!

Snowed Peas
What? Mike McGrath has gardening woes again?!

The 10 Commandments of Gardening
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Compost. Thou …

Death and the Garden
Helping my child through his first lesson in loss.

Old Friends
Tools and husbands both require some tending.

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