GreenPrints #083, Autumn 2010


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“A Walk in Indiana”, “Plant TV”, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”, “The Amazing Adventures of Orchid-Man!”, “My Daughter, the Tortoise”, “Repetitions” … and more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

A Walk in Indiana
Finding a moment of peace between “was” and “will be.”

The Perfect Chinese Lantern
At last it was mine. For a day.

Saved by Seeds
Instead of the other way around.

Feline Fertilizer
Amending the lawn—with kitty litter?

Plant TV
Do yours watch it?

Grand Theft, Tree
Detective Granny Smith and Bloodhound Fuji solve an apple mystery.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight
I fixed our fountain. My husband (the expert) won’t speak to me.

The Amazing Adventures of Orchid-Man!
Mike McGrath tries to keep hitherto-happy orchid alive.

A plant, a marriage, a divorce, a hope.

My Daughter, the Tortoise
A desert tortoise in my garden helped me understand my little girl.

The Plant-It Kids
A children’s hunger garden helps give a boy with cancer hope.

Oscar the Doofus
My dog made my husband a gardener.

5 Prose Poems
Remarkable dispatches from the garden.

Autumn comes back around.

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