GreenPrints #079, Autumn 2009


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.

“The Spanish Gardener and My Hands”, “Gardening for Dad”, “Dear Mr. President”, “Why Gardens Matter”, the hummingbird that said thanks, “Earth Fairies” … and more!



This back issue of The Weeder’s Digest includes the following gardening stories and tales:

The Spanish Gardener and My Hands
I was smitten. She was not.

You’re Lucky
Oh, Really?

Persimmons Are Ripe
A postcard from the past touches a gardener in the present.

Gardening For Dad
The only garden I ever grew was for him.

Dear Mr. President
It’s great you have a garden. Now you need … chickens!

A Little Red Wagon Ride
Nothing better to give an old gardener a new attitude.

Why Gardens Matter
An academic looks for meaning in life and finds it … in gardening.

Lime to Lemon
How my customer got a lemon tree from a lime.

Raspberry Lessons
Our family’s “You want it, you earn it” program.

Wild Encounters in the Garden
The hummingbird that said thanks.

Give Me Valium
Or give me gardening. A GreenPrints classic.

Canine Caretaker
If it wasn’t for Emma, I couldn’t garden.

A Garden Lesson Learned
Mike McGrath discovers what plants really want.

The Best Laid Plants
Gardening with an overly enthusiastic boyfriend.

Yes, my garden’s all crooked—but I have a cosmic excuse!

Earth Fairies
My great-grandmother showed them to me.

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