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Great Garden Quotes

The GreenPrints Adult Coloring Book!

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I’ll admit it: I’m not always the sharpest colored pencil in the box. I mean, in the last year, the publishing world has been flooded with adult coloring books. They are the book fad of the last 12 months. (I walked into our local Barnes & Noble the other week. The two tables between the sets of entrance doors were filled with…adult coloring books. The table immediately across from this entryway was filled with…? Adult coloring books!)

But it wasn’t until some subscriber casually told us “I love to color in all the black and white art in my issues” that the bell finally went off in ye olde Stone skull.

I’ve been publishing adult coloring art for 27 years!

Not only that, much of it comes with beautiful, inspiring, great garden quotations!

So, OK, OK, I’ve done it. Our new collection, Great Garden Quotes, is ready for purchase! It contains 69 beautiful pieces of art, created by 33 different GREENPRINTS artists. Not only that, each piece is 8“ x 10“ and perforated on one side, so you can pull it out after you’ve finished coloring it and frame it!

I wish I could show you all 69 pieces—they range from deeply moving to flat-out hilarious. Some pieces were wonderful past covers, most were classic BUDS quotes, and a few were commissioned just for this book.

Here, to your right, is a ready-to-color Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, done in full color, of course, on this issue’s cover. You’ll find another coloring page quote on p. 29. To enjoy the rest, order Great Garden Quotes for $14.95 plus $3.00 s&h from GreenPrints Books (see p. 6), on the web at, or by phone at 800-569-0602. And don’t forget: It’s a great gardener’s holiday gift!


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