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At The Gate

Thank You!

This issue has a page of “Letters to the Editor” (p.24), which, oddly enough, has become fairly unusual in GREENPRINTS. I don’t run reader letters often anymore, because I’d rather use the space for stories: I like to squeeze as many pieces in an issue as possible. (This issue has 15—hooray!)

But that’s not because I don’t love getting letters from you. I do. Oh, I do. It’s a bit lonely sending this little magazine out into the world. Your letters tell me you really are there. They’re often deeply touching. And they are a wonderful confirmation that—what do you know—I am doing something that people enjoy and appreciate. Let me rephrase that: We are doing something people appreciate. They’re your stories. I just share them.

So thank you for every letter, every email, every phone call you share. They truly help keep us going.
While I’m handing out thanks, thank you so much for subscribing. GREENPRINTS is a very unusual magazine, hard to describe and, maybe at first, to appreciate. You get it, in more ways than one, and I am very grateful.

Lastly, thank you for every gift subscription you give. When you share the magazine with friends and family, you give them something special. You also help keep our friendly little “Weeder’s Digest” alive and growing.

Pat Stone, Editor


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