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Lovage’s Triumph: A Tale of Resilience

How a Gardener's Journey Mirrored Nature's Unyielding Spirit

Read by Matilda Longbottom


It’s been an interesting year, to say the least. They say that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Well, I found myself in a lemon grove without a juicer. But amidst the challenges, a story of resilience emerged, intertwined with the journey of some rather unexpected garden companions.

Last Fall, as the chill settled in and the world around me seemed to mirror the barren branches of the old oak tree, I felt a sense of emptiness. Life had thrown me some curveballs—a sudden end to a significant relationship, the loss of a beloved pet, and bidding farewell to a job that no longer resonated with my spirit. Yet, amidst the gloom, a glimmer of hope sprouted, quite literally, from the most unexpected place—the remnants of a forgotten herb garden.

Tucked away amidst the overgrown weeds lay a treasure trove of herbs, including the resilient lovage. Now, if you’re not familiar with lovage, let me tell you, it’s not your average herb. This plant boasts a tenacity that rivals even the most stubborn gardener. And so, armed with a jar of lovage seeds collected from that abandoned garden, I embarked on an experiment—one that would test not only the seeds’ viability but also my own resilience in the face of adversity.

Against the odds, every single lovage seed sprouted, defying the warnings of low germination rates. Yet, as Winter tightened its grip, my little seedlings began to falter. The relentless snowfall seemed to mirror the heaviness in my heart, but still, I persevered, clinging to hope like a lifeline.

As the days grew longer and the snow begrudgingly retreated, I made a last-ditch effort to save my struggling seedlings. Against all logic, I planted them in the midst of uncertainty, knowing that the odds were stacked against us. But sometimes, hope springs eternal, and in the unlikeliest of places, miracles take root.

Just when I thought all was lost, a glimmer of green amidst a sea of weeds caught my eye. There, nestled among the prickly lettuce, were my beloved lovage seedlings, tenacious and thriving despite the odds. It was a moment of pure joy—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of light waiting to be found.

And so, as Summer blossomed and life began to take on new meaning, I found solace in the resilience of nature—and in the unwavering spirit of a humble herb. For if a tiny lovage seedling can weather the storm and emerge triumphant, then surely, so can I.

About the Author: June Santon is a gardener, storyteller, and perpetual optimist residing at 7400 feet in the Rocky Mountains. With a diverse background ranging from research scientist to counselor, June finds solace and inspiration in the simple act of tending to her garden. Despite life’s ups and downs, June remains steadfast in her belief that there is always beauty to be found amidst the chaos—a sentiment that echoes throughout her writing. When she’s not busy cultivating her garden or penning tales of resilience, June can be found exploring the breathtaking landscapes of her mountain home, finding joy in the everyday wonders of life.



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