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Sow Berry, Sow Good: A Straw-berry Sweet Symphony

Delve into the Adventures of a New England Strawberry Gardener

Read by Michael Flamel


Howdy there, fellow garden enthusiasts and potential strawberry savants! Remember me? That friendly farmer who once tempted your taste buds with the promise of homemade strawberry ice cream? Well, guess who’s back with another berrylicious proposal for your green-thumb consideration!

Now, if you’re still undecided about diving into the delightful world of strawberry gardening, fear not, for I’ve concocted another persuasive pitch to sway even the most hesitant of horticulturists.

Picture this: a sun-kissed strawberry, plump and ruby-red, practically begging to be plucked from the vine and popped straight into your mouth. Could anything be more tantalizing than that? I think not!

Let me regale you with a brief berry tale that might just tip the scales in favor of joining the strawberry farming frenzy this year.

So, my fellow berry buffs, did you know that strawberries aren’t just any old berry? Oh no! They’re the Ferrari of the fruit world, the crème de la crème of the garden! Not only are they scrumptiously sweet, but they also boast a fascinating history that spans centuries.

From ancient Romans using them as symbols of love to English monarchs indulging in strawberries and cream (a tradition I wholeheartedly endorse), these little red wonders have been captivating taste buds and hearts for eons.

And guess what? You don’t need acres upon acres of land to embark on your strawberry-growing escapade! With hanging pots and pyramid raised beds, you can transform even the tiniest patch of soil into a strawberry paradise fit for a king—or, you know, a strawberry-loving gardener like yourself!

Now, I won’t sugarcoat it (although a sprinkle of sugar on freshly picked strawberries isn’t a bad idea). Growing strawberries does require a smidge of effort, but trust me, the rewards are as bountiful as a bumper crop in July!

So, dear readers, if you’re still on the fence about becoming a strawberry farmer extraordinaire, I implore you to take the plunge! And hey, if you need a guiding hand through the berry maze, fear not! Simply head over to Food Gardening Network for the complete lowdown on all things strawberry.

With that said, let’s paint the town red—strawberry red, that is! Who’s with me?

Keep calm and strawberry on!


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