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At The Gate

Reading and listening to GreenPrints is fun!

Alright, I have to admit that one of my favorite things about the “new” GreenPrints—besides being monthly—is the audio content in every issue. Last month, I found myself listening over and over to GreenPrints founder Pat Stone and his wife Becky not just reading stories but delivering them with such pizzazz and heart.

That’s what GreenPrints is all about—gardening stories from the heart—and, boy, our contributors have hit it out of the park with this October 2023 issue … and Pat and Becky give us another way to enjoy some stories.

I still enjoy reading—and re-reading—the stories, but I find myself wanting to hear them repeatedly now, too—while driving, while sitting out on my balcony amongst my plants, and while enjoying a glass of wine and the cooler Autumn weather.

To access the audio version of stories, please look for this recognizable image near the top of stories that have been recorded:

And then click the “play” arrow to be delighted with Pat and Becky’s narrations—listen on your computer or even on your phone or tablet while you’re on-the-go. Just be sure you use earphones when out in public (like I forgot to do while cruising the grocery-store aisles—oh well, other shoppers got a small taste of GreenPrints until I fumbled for and found my ear phones).

Please take time to read this issue and listen to the stories that have been recorded for you by Pat and Becky Stone—and then let me know what you think about our new audio content. Should we continue it? Expand it? Or is this just enough? What do you think?

Bill Dugan signature
Bill Dugan
Editor & Publisher

P.S. Please email me or comment below with your feedback about our new audio content—or any feedback you have about GreenPrints. I look forward to hearing from you.


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