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Mequoda Publishing Network


Donna Hicks: “I have been writing for over 20 years on a wide variety of topics. I also enjoy gardening and humor. (True, my gardening some-times provides the humor.)”

Kerry Seymour: From Reno, NV: “A retired Cooperative Extension nutrition specialist and Master Gardener, I am a staunch promoter of the joys (despite the challenges) of gardening in the high desert.”

Jewel Langenderfer: Jewel, “an ardent old organic gardener,” lives with her two dogs, two cats, and nine chickens in the city limits of Eugene, OR.

Bill Hyde: From Henderson, CO: “I’m an old new farmer who is adjusting to the disparity between theory and practice in trying to grow food.”

Julie V. Foley: PA’s Julie very funny “Save My Parsley!” ran in GP #94, where she told us, “If I cut myself, I bleed chlorophyll!”

Kate Abbott: This is an excerpt from a memoir Sacramento, CA’s Kate is working on about her experience with postpartum depression. She has also written Disneylanders, a young adult novel.

Erica Myers-Russo: “I’ve gardened everywhere I’ve lived: OH, WV, TX, NY, CT, WA, and more. Surprisingly, the most challenging place is my current home in southern CA.”

Marianne Willburn: Master Gardener Marianne ( writes from Lovettsville, VA. Her lovely piece, “Full Circle,” ran in GP #100.

Elizabeth Wagner: Elizabeth is a Catholic sister, Benedictine hermit, and founding member of Transfiguration Hermit-age in ME. Her fine essay, “Suscipe,” appeared in GP#90.

Robert F. Hever: Bob lives down the road in Hendersonville, NC. A retired environmental engineer, Bob used to help on a MD Master Gardener hotline, where he often touted the blessings of ladybugs.

Buds Credits

“GO!” (p. 21) sent in by Linda R. Bell of Knoxville, TN.
“Put a Flower in It” (p. 49) sent in by Tammy Troglin of Lithia Springs, GA.
“The Fairest Thing” (p.47) sent in by Lisa Colburn of Orono, ME.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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