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Jetfire: Loser and Winner


Every fall, bulbs will be on sale in bins at my local grocery store. There’ll be lots of daffodils, tulips, and more. At first the prices are expensive—but people buy them. All the larger daffodils sell best.

One of the smaller bulbs was a daffodil named Jetfire. It makes a small, but not miniature, flower, yellow with a bright orange cup—a winner for sure, I thought.

But people weren’t buying it. Later in the fall, the Jetfires went on sale for 99¢ a bag! I bought every one left—eight bags—and planted them all over my front and back yards.

They were beautiful the next spring, just glorious!

Yesterday, I went to the Philadelphia Flower Show. Jetfire was in the show. It was on display, with a Second Place ribbon. So there you go: a loser at the grocery store but a winner at the Flower Show!

—By Doris Servis of Ewing, NJ.


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