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Eva Kosinski: From Louisville, CO: “My dad was an organic gardener before it was fashionable, so I’ve been gardening ever since I could pick a bean or a strawberry.”

Larry E. Lael: “I am the Supreme Commander of Lael’s Moon Garden Nursery in Rochester, WA. My wife is the Extreme Supreme Commander.”

Mary Whitsell: American expatriate Mary has shared her winsome writing in six issues, most recently our 25th Anniversary Special, GP#100.

Nicole Setter: “I live with my husband, twin toddlers, and garden-tromping dog in Lawrence, KS. This is my first published story!”

Julie V. Foley: Albrightsville, PA’s Julie is such an avid gardener that “if I cut myself, I bleed chlorophyll!”

Rebecca Monhollon: From Winchester, KY: “My novel, Mischief on the Mountain, has just been released. It’s about two girls growing up in the late 1800’s.“

Gerald Burke: Atascadero, CA’s Gerald is a well-published writer who worked in the seed business.

Shelley Cramm: I still marvel at the combination of horticultural information, Biblical insight, and fine writing in Shelley’s NIV God’s Word for Gardeners Bible.

Gary Train: From The Knolls, CA: “I’m a semi-retired animator who’s written and produced many popular kids TV shows—and loves ‘extreme gardening.’”

Laurel Syring: “I am a high school English teacher in Windsor, CO. This story is dear to my heart.”

Aileen Jones-Monahan: Western MA’s Aileen has a MFA in fiction writing and, “since the babies came,” enjoys napping and eating in bed with the door closed.

Marianne Willburn: You can read more of this award-winning garden writer in GP#100 and at her website:

Buds Credits:

“Nature Never Betray” (p.17) sent in by Mary Templer of La Jolla, CA.
“Cast-Iron Back” (p.39) sent in by June K. Blake of Clyde, NY.
“Plant Leeks” (p.77) sent in by Diane H. Toomoth of Neosho, MO.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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