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Walter Beineke: An organic gardener from West Lafayette, IN, Walter is a retired Purdue University forestry professor and book author.

Barbara E. Brown: A retired teacher and librarian from Rockford, IL, Barbara also has three children’s books under her belt.

John Eckenrode: A flower garden lover, former Cornell University psychology professor John has found a new avocation in retirement as a writer

Kathy McMullen: WA-based blogger, author, and sometime gardener, Kathy also likes to prepare unique recipes such as Lemon Verbena Cookies and Rhubarb Pizza.

Carolyn Curtis: Carolyn loves CA native plants and has written for a range of publications. Her work appeared in Issues 123 and 127

Sheila Allen-Heimsoth: Retired from office work, Sheila enjoys life with her husband Marty and their four dogs in San Luis Valley, CO.

Ed Mashburn: Ed tends citrus trees at his home in AL. The extreme freeze in his story killed one tangerine tree.The rest are in various states of recovery

Jennifer Melville: FL mother-of-four, Jennifer tends a backyard orchard and writes about sustainable gardening. Her work appeared in Issue 133.

Joan Sullivan: New Englander Joan is an avid gardener and an avid GreenPrints subscriber for years! Her work appeared in Issue 54.

Elton A. Foster: Vegetable gardener, amateur chef, retired attorney, and guitarist, Elton and his wife Susan enjoy life near New Orleans, LA.

Brooke Harris: “I’m an Irish dance instructor and mother by day and poem-writing, ice-cream-eating writer by night.” Brooke’s poem appeared in Issue 105.

Joyce Becker Lee: Teacher, editor, reporter, and playwright, Joyce was educated at Northwestern University—and her work is always informed by her farm background.

Greta Isaac: Kansas-based Greta lives on a farm with her husband and four children, growing all sorts of crops—and writing gardening stories!

Contributing Editors: VT’s Becky Rupp (92 issues) and PA’s Mike McGrath (89 issues) have been valuable mainstays of the magazine for decades.

Buds Credits

“I will be the gladdest thing under the sun.”
selected by the GreenPrints editorial staff.

Send your favorite garden quote to with “Buds” in the subject line. If we use it, you get a free year’s subscription!


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