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10 Things I Learned from Gardening

  1. A watched bud never blooms. And taking its picture every day doesn’t help.
  2. It’s good to let go of things that are not healthy.
  3. Bees are friends. And often funny. But wasps are jerks.
  4. Things need space to grow.
  5. Unexpected guests can be unexpected gifts.
  6. Weeds always find a way in, you just have to keep taking them out.
  7. Sun and fresh air heal more than you think.
  8. It’s harder to cut flowers from your own plants.
  9. Yes, you are now required to wear a sunhat.
  10. Trust your intuition. Things can look dead, and even though your kids will make fun of you for continuing to prune, water, and sing to them, sometimes a little extra love brings them back to life.

—By Lauryn Lupino of Vernon, NJ.


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