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At The Gate

Last issue, I wrote an opening editorial that gently and caringly commented on these agitated times. Just before deadline I sent it to my brother, Rick (above, with his wife, Terri, in their beautiful South Hampton, NY, garden). He wrote such an impassioned reply about keeping politics completely out of the garden that I shared his words with you instead.

Boy, did you readers agree with him! (“Thank God for the advice from your older brother,” wrote one.) Even Kim Herman, my printer rep—who saw both essays—said I should choose Rick’s piece. (“My family has walked away from the media. I’m so glad for the escape and sanctuary of my backyard and your publication.”)

OK, OK, I guess Rick was right. But, gee, did you all have to lay it on so thick? He’s been gloating way too much (grin)!

As you see, Rick gardens well, too. Still, both he and I admit that the most dedicated gardener in our family is our sister, Nancy. An out-there-every-day flower grower (and former president of her Atlanta garden club), she’s moved a lot over the years, towing a small trailerload of dug-up plants every time. Maybe someday she’ll write something for the mag—and also show me up!

Family is a great, great blessing. I’m deeply grateful for mine—siblings, wife, children, and grandchildren. And I’m deeply grateful for all of you, our GREENPRINTS family.

Pat Stone, Editor


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