Tag: gardener

A Healing Garden Flower

A Healing Garden Flower

I find most gardens to be healing. Even with the thorns, rocks, weeds, and sore back, I find gardens to be a place of peace, serenity, and contemplation. A healing  
Whispers of a Last Cherry Tree

Whispers of a Last Cherry Tree

  Cherries. Whether plump bing cherries or fat wild cherries with a blueberry hue, they held the power to transform ordinary moments into cherished memories. Neighbor children, giggling on the limbs  
Finding Indoor Garden Inspiration

Finding Indoor Garden Inspiration

One look through Instagram or YouTube and you'll find plenty of indoor garden inspiration. Some are quite inspiring, like a gardener in the cold depths of a Canadian Winter who  
The Accidental Meditative Garden

The Accidental Meditative Garden

As an idea, I think almost any garden is a meditative garden. Some, like Japanese rock gardens, are established with the intention that they will be a place of reflective  
The Joy of Not Gardening for Life

The Joy of Not Gardening for Life

I love gardening, and it's easy to imagine that I'll be gardening for life. Gardening gives us a chance to commune with nature, grow our own food, and grow our  
He Was No Ordinary Gardener

He Was No Ordinary Gardener

As a gardener, Easter is an extra special holiday. It's a celebration of Spring, when the flowers are coming into bloom, the robins are singing, and blue skies are on  
Tales from a 5-Year Raised Bed Gardener

Tales from a 5-Year Raised Bed Gardener

Hey there fellow green thumbs! As I embark on my fifth year of raised bed gardening atop the picturesque Plymouth ridge, I can't help but reflect on the journey that brought